Carlton Primary School

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Monday: LKS2 Football at 3.20pm until 4.20pm with ACE sports club. 

Monday: UKS2 Girls Football Team at 3:20pm until 4:20pm with Mr Fawcett. 

Tuesday: UKS2 Dodgeball at 3:20pm until 4:20pm with ACE sports club. 

Wednesday: UKS2 Football at 3:20pm until 4:20pm with ACE sports club. 

Wednesday: KS1 Dodgeball at 3:20pm until 4:20pm with Mr Fawcett. 

Thursday: KS1 Multipsorts at 3:20pm until 4:20pm with Mr Fawcett. 

Thursday: LKS2 Gymnastics at 3:20pm until 4:20pm with ACE sports club. 

Friday: KS1 Multisports at 3:20pm until 4:20pm with ACE sports club. 

Friday: UKS2 Boys Football Team at 3:20pm until 4:20pm with Mr Fawcett.