Carlton Primary School

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Welcome to Upper Key Stage Two!

In Upper Key Stage Two, we strive to support children in their journey to become independent and responsible members of our community. To ensure this, we tailor learning to be purposeful and relatable to the wider world. For example, we encourage children to take greater responsibility for their learning, encourage independent problem solving across the curriculum and teach using real-life scenarios.

Children regularly evaluate their progress, successes are celebrated and mistakes are  seen as an opportunity to grow. We encourage children to be creative in their learning as an opportunity for them to express themselves. Take a look at our Topic Webs to see our exciting learning for each half term.  

By the end of UKS2, our children are ready to continue their learning journey as they transition into High School, taking their independence and love of learning with them. 


Miss Pritchard

UKS2 Phase Leader

Useful Information

PE days - Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor)



Topic Webs 

UKS2 Autumn 1 Topic Web

Useful Documents

SATs information for Parents

Apps to Support Home Learning

Ideas for Books