Carlton Primary School

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Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage!

“In Early Years we have lots of fun; learning through play and getting messy is all part of the fun! Both in the classrooms and in our outdoor area we have a variety of areas of provision so that all the children can access different resources to develop their skills. Children’s interests drive curiosity and exploration, with the environment and provision being key for children to develop and progress their own ideas to help them become capable independent learners. We recognise that every child is an individual and unique and setting challenges and questioning provides children with wider learning opportunities. At Carlton we believe working together with families and the community is highly important to support children."

Miss Radley

EYFS Phase Leader


We use Tapestry in EYFS to share children's learning and to communicate with parents. Please ensure you are checking Tapestry weekly for all communication and pictures from the weeks learning. We look forward to seeing learning shared from home too to share in class with the children!

50 things to do before you're five

50 Things to do before you're 5, helps children from 0-5 become school ready.  It has been developed with families to produce a fun resource that offers a wide range of experiences that builds skills and language and supports brain development in young children.

Keep you and your loved ones entertained by downloading the FREE 50 Things app now:

Apple Store

Google play store

Topic Webs

Summer 2 Nursery Overview

Summer 2 Reception Overview

Summer 1 Nursery Overview

Summer 1 Reception Overview

Spring 2 Nursery Overview

Spring 2 Reception Overview

Spring 1 Nursery Overview

Spring 1 Reception Overview

Autumn 2 Nursery Overview

Autumn 2 Reception Overview

Autumn 1 Nursery Overview

Autumn 1 Reception Overview


EYFS Newsletter Summer 2

EYFS Newsletter Summer 1

EYFS Newsletter Spring 2

EYFS Newsletter Spring 1

EYFS Newsletter Autumn 2

EYFS Newsletter Autumn 1

Useful Documents

This area will show all documents uploaded to the /docs/KEY_STAGES/EYFS folder.

Documents in folders containing the word 'letter' or 'minute' are listed in the order they were uploaded, most recent upload at the top. Otherwise, documents are listed alphabetically.