Carlton Primary School

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Physical Education

Our expert who looks after PE on our curriculum including swimming and after school sports is Miss Pritchard.


Team sport encourages children to work together and support each other. Alongside this, they are taught that defeat should be met with grace and decorum and that, on the contrary, victory should be met with modesty and respect for others.

At Carlton, physical fundamental skills including coordination, agility and balance alongside the mental fundamentals of challenge, sportsmanship, independence (as well as our school’s learning skills) are taught through the delivery of Real PE. Such fundamentals are essential as they are transferable to all areas of their life to make them rounded citizens within society. Furthermore, being active throughout the school day and being physically educated in an extensive range of sports, we aim to create opportunities for children to experience a wide range or extracurricular activities that they can enjoy and make new friends in whilst staying fit.

Cross-Curricular: Although two hours a week are set aside as stand-alone PE lessons, other aspects of PE are taught and encouraged in other areas of the curriculum. For example, in EYFS, children are encouraged to improve their physical development, specifically their moving and handling, through outdoor provision which they have access to throughout their free-flow time.

Team Games: We encourage and facilitate links with other local schools, teams and organisations to develop opportunities for our children to engage in competitive sport. We run a comprehensive enrichment provision with over 140 pupils benefiting from additional coaching where some of the after-school clubs are chosen through pupil voice. We are also excited to have support from Leeds United who run girls’ football Wildcat programme and provide a pathway to club football. In addition to the many competitive experiences the children have access to, we also try to provide the children with as many sporting taster sessions as possible to help identify their talents and encourage participation.

Course Outline

As a school, we foster a love for the outdoors and encourage outdoor learning wherever possible. Our playground provides great opportunities for active, outdoor, cross-curricular lessons.

PE Curriculum


Jenny Wallwork Day

The children absolutely loved having our GB athlete visit from Jenny Wallwork. We did circuit training and had lots of fun, followed by a whole school assembly where Jenny showed off her badminton skills. 

Jenny Wallwork visit