Carlton Primary School

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Our expert in Phonics and Phonics teaching strategies is Mrs Paine.



At Carlton, we strive to ensure that children become successful, fluent readers who develop a love for reading. We help support this through a combination of high quality Phonics teaching combined with various opportunities for children to listen to a range of books read by adults/peers, to look at and read a range of books themselves, adults promoting fluency and language comprehension and the promotion of language and Oracy throughout school. Children access our rigorous, well planned Phonics programme Read Write Inc Phonics, that is delivered consistently throughout school. Our methods and resources are embedded within our programme ensuring that the children are exposed to a consistent education of Phonics. The consistency enables children to build on previous learning of Phonics whilst they are consolidating their knowledge and applying skills they have learnt. Staff at Carlton are well trained in the delivery of Read Write Inc and receive regular CPD training through the use of the RWI portal system to ensure that staff are confident in the delivery of the programme.


At Carlton, we teach systematic synthetic Phonics through the use of the Read Write Inc Phonics by Ruth Miskin. Children in years Reception, Year One and Year Two (plus any KS2 children still on the Phonics scheme) spend 30-45 minutes each day on Phonics. Children are grouped into different colour groups depending on their phonics knowledge and reading ability. There is a strong emphasis on fluent reading during these highly structured and effective lessons. The children read the story books three times; once to read words correctly, a second time with more fluency and a third time in a 'storyteller voice' that shows their understanding. Formative assessments take place during these daily sessions and then half termly assessments are carried out to track children's progress and determine Phonics groupings. Children who are not keeping up are quickly identified and interventions are put in place to support, in addition to the daily Phonics sessions. 


Our aim is for all children to develop a love for Reading. Through the rigorous teaching of Phonics, our expectation is for children to become fluent readers by the end of Key Stage One. Children can then focus on developing more fluency and comprehension throughout school. Attainment in Phonics is assessed throughout the school year on the Read Write Inc school portal system. The children take the Phonics Screening Check in Year One.

Reading at home:

In Reception, your child will bring home a green sound book, containing all the set 1 sounds they begin learning at the start of Reception. Once children move onto set 2 and 3 sounds within Read Write Inc, they will receive their set 2 and 3 sound book. Please help to develop your child’s love of reading by spending 5 minutes each day working on their sounds and hearing them read to you.

Children still on the Phonics scheme will bring home a Read Write Inc book every Friday. This will be the one they have been working on throughout the week in their Phonics groups linked to their Phonics knowledge. Please ensure you go over this with your children and keep it in their book bags at all times. In addition to this book the children will bring a Read Write Inc book bag booked linked to the text they have been reading in their group that week. 

Useful Documents

RWI Phonics Expectations of Progress

Progression of Red Words through the RWI Storybooks

Phonics Progression Map

Reading at home Booklet 1

Reading at home Booklet 2

Ten top tips for reading stories to your child

RWI Parent FAQs

Fred Games

Parent Meetings

RWI Phonics Reception Parent Meeting

RWI Phonics KS1 Parent Meeting

Video Support

Video - How to say the sounds

Video - What is Read Write Inc. Phonics?

Video - Listening to your child read

Video - Why read to your child?

Video - The Phonics Screening Check