Our expert, who ensures History strategies are linked across the school-age groups is Miss Fletcher.
Intent: Through History, our children will develop the foundation of chronology, which is embedded in learning about significant people and events that have shaped our locality and world. Our teaching ensures our children reflect, compare, and think critically to understand the past. With their increasing oracy skills, our children develop a sense of perspective and judgement, which scaffolds their reasoning skills when considering causes and consequences.
Implementation: Following the National Curriculum, alongside our own bespoke Carlton curriculum, History is taught in a practical, immersive way giving experience to our children making lessons fun and memorable which we take pride in. We ensure the progression of skills is scaffolded with Knowledge organisers, working walls, vocabulary lists, Historian visitors, and trips, our children are taken on a journey of identity. We use rocket retrieval to re visit learning ensuring key learning is retained. Children at Carlton can speak as a 'historian' and clearly understand why history is taught.
Impact: By understanding the past lives of significant people and events locally and globally and how this impacts their lives now children are taken on a journey of discovery of themselves and others. Through the learning opportunities, children are able to express and articulate the human condition by making links and comparing civilizations through time.
03.11.2024 Miss Fletcher
Course Outline
During History at Carlton, children start learning about ways that we can find out about the past, through to understanding how to identify significant events, make connections, draw contrasts, and analyse historical trends.