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Monarch Class - Year 3

Monarch is a Year 3 class and the teacher is Miss Davis.

Welcome to Monarch Class!

Summer 1 

What a great start to Summer term! 

We have made the most of the nice weather over the last couple of weeks by spending some time in our Wildlife Area. We did some reading within the trees and looked at different wildlife!

In English, we have focused on the book ‘Manfish.’ We wrote a biography all about the man who invented the ‘aqua-lungs’, Jacques Cousteau. From this, the children also wrote an invention narrative of their own and an underwater setting description. They used brilliant vocabulary to describe what could be seen hidden in the depths of the ocean!

In Maths, we have been learning how to tell the time, to the exact minute and the duration between two times. The children used clocks and labelled clocks to help with this. 

Our topic this term is ‘The Romans’ and the children have really enjoyed all that we have learnt about them so far. We even made some mosaics of our own inspired by the Romans. 

We look forward to learning more about the Romans after the break and even more learning to be had before we break up for the summer holidays! 

Spring 2

What a fun-filled half term we have had!
The children have continued to enjoy our Extreme Earth topic and got immersed in a volcano eruption by making one ourselves! 

We carried this knowledge through into English where we have written a newspaper report about Mount Vesuvius volcano eruption as well as a diary entry from an eye-witness! The children used used such brilliant vocabulary to describe the scene in Pompeii. 

This half term, we have been busy constructing lighthouses in DT from different recycled materials. Once these were finished, we added on bulbs that we made in Science after investigating circuits. 

In Maths, we have been focusing on fractions. The children could apply their knowledge in a hunt around the classroom to match the fraction to its picture representation. 

LKS2 are looking forward to starting their new topic about The Romans in Summer term as well as continuing all the hard work we have done so far this year!


Spring 1 

We've had a busy half term in Monarch! Thank you to everyone who joined us for our class assembly which showcased all the things we have been working really hard on! I am so proud of the children and how much progress they have made in such a short half term!

In English, we have been writing instruction guide which tells monster hunters how to defeat a Viking beast. We researched the key features and weaknesses of these monster which allowed us to be experts in these beasts! 

Our Art lessons have focused on Indian Art and we have been inspired by lots of different forms, including Mehdi patterns, block printing and decorating elephants which is done in the traditional festival in Rajasthan.

This half term we have been reading ‘You’re a Bad Man, Mr Gum’, and have been really entertained with the eccentric characters and were intrigued to find out if Polly and Friday could save the day!

In Geography, our topic has been ‘Malicious Mother Nature’, so we have been learning all about natural disasters including Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Floods and Droughts! We learnt about famous cases and the children have been really engaged with conducting their own research and presenting their findings to the class. 

We are looking forward to continuing this topic next half term!

Spring 1 Monarch



In our PSHE lesson, we have been learning all about Asthma, what it is, the effects that it has on someone, and how it can be managed, The children made wonderful information posters all about the condition and shared them with the rest of the class. Here are just a few of them!


Today, in our Maths lesson we have been using counters to make an array to show different multiplications. The children found this really useful and are able to understand the concept much better after seeing multiplication represented this way. 


 Autumn 2

What a start to the new Half Term! Monarch have come back to school re-energised for more learning and lots of exciting activities! In English, we are writing a myth narrative, the children are using lots of wonderful vocabulary to describe their mythical creature and the journey to find a magical item. I have been really impressed with their use of Fronted Adverbials and Prepositional Phrases. 

For Diwali, we got involved with lots of themed activities and Bollywood dancing! It was great to learn a lot about the different traditions of Hinduism!

Diwali Day



This week, Monarch class have been learning all about different types of poetry, focusing on Hiatus, Acrostic and Cinquain poems. In our English lesson today, all of the children wrote their own Acrostic poem in the theme of Halloween! We had a spook-tacular morning creating these!

Monarch poems



In our History lesson, we have been learning about what clothing the Vikings wore. We learnt that they wore lots of different jewellery such as bracelets, necklaces and brooches. Our class then designed their own brooch with different jewels and sequins. They all looked very impressive!


Today we have been practicing our times tables by making flashcards! The children have been able to practice them with their partner and will also be able to take them home to continue this. 


This week we have been learning about Viking longboats; the features of them and the reasons why the Vikings used them. The children even had the chance to design a Viking longboat of their own and were really creative when doing this! 


We have had a great week in Monarch class with lots of different learning! Today in PSHE, we had in depth discussions about the laws in our country as well as the rest of the world. The children were really enthusiastic within these discussions and thought of great ideas of which laws were really important and were able to convince me (as Prime Minister!) to bring in new laws in the country.

In Maths, we have been focusing on place value using counters to help! 


In English, we have been adding metaphors and similes to our writing. The children were able to sort sentences into a group of metaphors or similes!


What a brilliant first week back we have had!

Monarch class have all shown a super attitude to learning and settled into Key Stage 2 well! 

This half term we have lots of exciting learning planned, from learning about Forces and Magnets in Science to all about The Vikings (which the children have produced some amazing work over the summer about) in History. We are learning how to say different Instruments in French and the children have shown great enthusiasm when pronouncing the words! 

Our book that we are focusing on in Reading & Writing is How to Train your Dragon and we are all enjoying describing all of the different characters and settings.

We are looking forward to learning even more as the half term continues! 

Miss Davis

What are we doing in class?

LKS2 updates – January 2023